Manage All Your Market Accounts on One Panel

Manage All Your Market Accounts on One Panel

The e-commerce sector is constantly growing, both in real terms and as a percentage of total trade. And as it grows, vendors are increasingly being forced to list products and keep track of orders and inventory on multiple e-commerce platforms. This is no easy task, especially since the infrastructure of each market system varies. That’s where BiVendor comes in. BiVendor is a platform that allows users to integrate their systems so that they can list their products on multiple platforms at the same time from a single point, as well as track orders across multiple e-commerce sites using common inventory, thus reducing hours of work to mere seconds. Hepsiburada, N11, GittiGidiyor and Amazon Turkey are all integrated through BiVendor, and in the near future it will also provide service to Trendyol and PTT AVM.

  • Why BiVendor?

    Why BiVendor?

    BiVendor, unlike other integrators, offers users a fixed monthly or yearly fee as well as a sales-based fee option; in addition, BiVendor has the ability to post thousands of ready-made products within seconds, to automatically change inventory figures across all marketplaces to reflect purchases on any one of them, and to prepare different price, stock, and delivery policies for different marketplaces.

  • Always at Your Side

    Always at Your Side

    One of the basic rules of e-commerce is to deliver the right products to the right customers and to be able to track these products systematically. But customer support is every bit as important. BiVendor allows you to provide continuous support to customers, boosting your company’s credibility through instant answers to customer questions, complaints, and messages.

Leave Order Management to BiVendor

Tracking each sale on an individual excel file is a long and painful process for vendors. BiVendor has the ability to handle this complex process smoothly and singlehandedly, utilizing its skills to instantaneously process orders, as well as approvals, invoices, and shipping, return, and exchange requests.

Leave Order Management to BiVendor